November 5, 2010

Q. Were Cavemen and Cavewomen Better Parents than Modern-Day Moms & Dads? A. Yes.

This article,  "Why Cavemen were better parents than we are today" is definitely worth a read. It solidifies my notion that attachment parenting is indeed the healthiest way to raise a child. The picture above illustrates how detached society has become when caring for kids. This separation will only harm future generations, as quoted in the article:

"There's an epidemic of anxiety among the young... Kids who don't get the emotional nurturing they need in early life tend to be more self-centered. They don't have the same compassion- related emotions as kids who were raised by warm, responsive families."

It's ironic that modern-day society views cavemen as inferior, while in this case, they clearly were wiser than most parents are today, with regard to raising children. Food for thought that all parents should digest...


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    While I enjoy reading your blog, I don't understand the need to tout one way as the "right" way. I have a very healthy, loving and amazing two year old boy. My husband and I don't (and didn't) practice attachment parenting and I don't regret my choice. I make my choices based on what I believe is important and you do the same for your family. The great thing about parenting is we all get to make our own choices and enjoy the fruit of those choices.

  2. Thanks for weighing in, anonymous. I have found
    That whenever I write about attachment parenting, I receive comments from offended parents who
    Didn't choose to practice attachment parenting, and I am
    Not sure why stating my opinions causes such
    Discord. I firmly belive that this type of situation
    For raising a child is ideal, so I will continue to write
    About the pros of attachment parenting here. I don't
    Write with the intention of offending anyone, just to
    State why I believe a close relationship with your
    Child will be beneficial to all.

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Thanks for your response... I think the picture is slightly ridiculous to be honest. Not practicing attachment parenting does not equal kids in a cage with Mom on the phone.

    Also, this quote from the article rubs me the wrong way...
    "There's an epidemic of anxiety among the young... Kids who don't get the emotional nurturing they need in early life tend to be more self-centered. They don't have the same compassion- related emotions as kids who were raised by warm, responsive families."

    It would seem to imply that the only way to give your child ENOUGH emotional nurturing is to practice this type of parenting. I just simply don't agree. There is more than one way to provide your child with emotional nurturing and love.

  4. I think the quote is quite open-ended, because it simply says "as kids who were raised by warm, responsive families." And you yourself said that there is more than one way to be warm and responsive to your child, attachment parenting or not.

    I chose that photo because it was (obviously) provocative. It isn't meant to imply that all parents put their kids in a "cage" and ignore them, but clearly, some do. It is those people I would hope could find an article such as this and find a happy medium between attachment parenting and a cage.

  5. Thank you for this post. The picture says so much.

  6. Thanks Lil Wildflower -- I thought so too!
