July 8, 2011

Color Me Green with Crayola Markers Made from Recycled Plastic

Is anyone else confounded by the dizzying array of options available in the art supply aisle these days? So many colors and varieties! I remember when there was just one box of crayons and one box of markers to choose between. I am a huge fan of eco-friendly art supplies, and I recommend buying them to support small businesses whenever possible, but I also realize there are times when you need to purchase mainstream coloring tools on the fly.

I was delighted to see Crayola is now making their markers with recycled plastic. We've all known about crayon recycling for quite some time, and it's great to see that such a large corporation, which can really make a huge impact by taking baby steps to be more eco-friendly, has made plastic markers greener. So narrow your search next time you're choosing your tot's markers, by opting for the ones made with recycled plastic!

1 comment:

  1. Crayola recently built a wind farm to use renewable resources to power some of their production plants. :o) Good corporate citizens in this respect!

