HabitatHeroes.com recently launched on Earth Day. This site aims to inspire and educate kids about social and environmental issues affecting our planet. Through games and activities featured on the site, children may adopt an animal from an endangered species, and create a life for it through playing games and all the while learning facts about the planet. Paralleling the true to life circumstances of endangered animals, only a certain amount of children may select and personalize a specific animal avatar, such as the black rhinoceros. So, 3600 children may reflect the 3,600 black rhinos still in existence.
Young eco-warriors may socialize and make friends at the site's "Watering Hole" by communicating via chat boxes. HabitatHeroes.com was created by a mother and she wants all children to have a safe and worthwhile experience while online.
This site has a myriad of beneficial features for kids who are both curious and proactive about environmental change. I love that it teaches children through a medium they enjoy and connect easily with, so learning is both fun and makes a huge impact on a personal level. Go check out
HabitatHeroes.com. Registration is free.
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