We couldn't live without our aden + anais swaddles for Miss O and Mr. A, and we're traveling this summer using them as our in flight blankets. So we were thrilled to see that Kate and William's little prince is already being wrapped in these sweet, sustainable swaddling blankets! Read on to learn about our experience using aden + anais muslin swaddles!
Every parent has that one (or possibly ten!) item(s) they couldn't live without when it comes to taking care of their baby. We received an aden + anais muslin swaddle as a baby gift (Thanks, Vicky and Gordy!), and it quickly became my husband and my -- and our son's favorite thing! We'd truly be up the creek without this swaddle. Our son sleeps in it for naps and bedtime (frankly, we could use a few more of them!) and one of the best things about it is, it is generously sized to wrap around and swaddle large babies for many months beyond the tiny infant stage. Additionally, the breathable muslin material ensures baby stays warm but that he doesn't get overheated, and the muslin is stretchy and durable, making it ideal for swaddling.
These swaddles are my new go-to gift for babies and expecting moms and dads. Parents and babes will adore them, and once little ones outgrow the desire to be swaddled, these lightweight wraps may be used as blankets in the car, stroller, etc., or as a 'lovey' which will probably be the case for our son!
Purchase here:
aden + anais Organic Muslin Swaddle Blanket, Star Gazer
Love to hear you like aden + anais organic swaddlers. I was just planning to order them for Organic Baby Gift Boutique this week. Really excited to carry the line.
I totally agree. Great gifts and so incredibly useful. Our son is two and we still use them for naps and picnics. They're gorgeous!
I even had to stop my husband from wearing one as a scarf. Yeah...I've since taken over his wardrobe. Not that there's anything wrong with wearing an adult male parading around in an aden + anais swaddle. It's just...you know.
Thanks, Melanie! And digamama, that is hilarious! The friend who gave me this swaddle was joking that if they came in a larger size, adults would want to be swaddled in them too- and I said, that's what a Snuggie is! I love the scarf-wearing idea too!
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