March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lisa!

You may be wondering why I chose a photo of our backsides, but when I was searching for pictures of Lisa for this birthday post, this one made me smile with its appropriateness. You see, Lisa, my beloved sister is always right there beside me in the trenches. Whether I'm changing a diaper or crying my eyes out, Lisa is by my side, even from miles away.

Lisa, I celebrate you today, the day of the lucky Irish, and I realize how lucky I am that you are my sister and that I also get to call you my cherished friend. Thanks for always knowing what to say, and for having the courage and the humor to love me and guide me.

WE LOVE YOU and wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

*And mom, thanks for taking the above photo and for always being sure to capture every moment, big and small.

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