August 3, 2009

Take a Staycation Before Summer is Over

You've probably heard the term 'staycation' by now. It's a vacation in which you stay home, or visit local places and attractions. This is obviously eco-friendly by nature, since you'll cut back on fuel consumption and carbon emissions from road trips or air travel... and it also helps save cash in this icky economic climate.

Better Homes & Gardens has a great list of Staycation ideas you should be sure to check out. Ideas range from simply flying a kite to transforming your home into an island retreat.

Above is a photo from a recent trip we took to the beautiful Multnomah Falls... more evidence that you don't have to travel far from home to unearth majestic beauty - it may be found in your own backyard! (Well, not literally, but you get the point.)

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I think if it were up to us, we would almost always staycation! We love relaxing at home. Travel is so expensive! We also live in a fun community with stuff to see and great food to eat.