September 24, 2009

Under the Kitchen Table and Dreaming

Hanging out under the kitchen table was one of my favorite pastimes as a child. When Dave Matthews released his album, "Under the Table and Dreaming," I could completely relate to the sentiment. My best friend Tara and I used to love to sneak forbidden snacks under the table (bags of chocolate chips meant for baking!), and we'd giggle and pretend we were in far off places.

I came across a photo pool on Flickr called "Under the Kitchen Table" wherein people share their images of their kids enjoying life under the table. I'm thrilled to see that this imaginative activity is going strong and that this hangout spot is still considered cool. I for one save all of our mismatched bedsheets and linens and the like for the day that Olivia wants to drape the kitchen table and secure a fort for her own sanctuary. No purchase required, no carbon footprint left behind, just good, down to earth fun under an unsuspecting piece of furniture with a world of possibility.

Image from Under the Kitchen Table on Flickr


KiwiLog said...

Hi! We loved your post over at KiwiLog and decided to feature it as part of our weekly mom blog round up. Cheers!

Petite Planet said...

Thanks so much!