I was struck by the simplicity of these handmade mobiles by Franze Straessle which I found on the delightful Papier Mache blog. They seem to be more of a tribute to the treasured trinkets of childhood, as opposed to a stimulating over the crib mobile for a newborn... but I love the idea as decor for a playroom or older child's room.
Here's an enchanting description of the mobiles from the designer's site:
"A clothes peg flirts with a jelly bear. To their left a pencil stub notes down the confessions of an old key. The invited witnesses are: a miniature car number plate, a vending machine ring containing a fake pink gem, a baking tin, a roll of pigeon blue thread, a glass Christmas bauble decorated with a dark-red heart, a beautiful shard, a flashing eye, a silver spoon, the smallest money sock in the world, a coin, a Denk-fix card, a mother of pearl button and – and for the sake of completeness – a light bulb. All of these things are dangling from a ring made of wire. Why? Simply to be there – like us all."
via Papier Mache
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