Parenting and breastfeeding a newborn baby (with no "help"), is akin to working the overnight shift every night, without the ability to perk up with a caffeine fix, and then waking up at the crack of dawn to start a full day of work wherein a tiny being is literally sucking life from you. Alas, my daughter started this trend because she is just so darn cute, but now the attachment parenting cycle begins anew, and my husband and I are quite frankly terrified, like two sailors in a tiny boat looking at the storm clouds a-brewing.
You get the picture... we (especially me!) are going to be exhausted looking after an inquisitive, non-stop toddler and a newborn. When we had Olivia, I remember my husband and I were constantly scrambling around to find a pen and a scrap of paper so we could write down and record her diapers: poo, pee, time of day. How much has she eaten? Anyone's guess? Does she ever stop nursing-- the little snacking fiend. When did she last nap? How long has she been awake?
I know parents eventually find and settle in to a natural groove with their wee ones, but in those early days, a Lullaboard hanging in the nursery will be your best friend. These dry erase boards offer you the convenience and organization to record baby's diapers, feedings, naps and milestones all in one place. I am hanging my Lullaboard above the changing table to record my son's daily details, and thanking goodness I can end the paper trail around the house, and I won't have to struggle to remember these details while battling exhaustion.
Lullaboards are available in a variety of adorable designs, and you may choose which layout will accommodate you best for your baby's age and schedule. See the newborn layout at the bottom of this post. Other layouts include: baby, newborn with pump, and toddler.
Lullaboards are the brainchild of a mom (but, of course!) Sarah Masci. Here's some background info on their creative origins:
"After a month of throwing away the 2 daily "pen & paper" reports that her childcare provider filled out for her boys every day, Sarah set out to find a more practical & earth-friendly solution. It just seemed so inefficient to be using and wasting so much paper on a daily basis. When it became clear that there was no better solution on the market, Sarah decided to put her creative skills to work and design her own."
Here's to saving your sanity one note at a time!
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