April 10, 2008

What's Your Earth Day Resolution?

Earth Day is April 22nd, and I'd like to encourage you to find a way to celebrate and honor our planet in any way large or small.

Just like January 1st is the one day of the year we all decide to change something in our lives for the better, why not use April 22nd as the day to set in motion a green habit? After all, without our earth, where would we be?

Here's some ideas to get your wheels turning:

  • Plant an indoor herb garden with your children.
  • Buy some hip looking bins for your kitchen to get you excited about sorting the trash. Label the bins "plastics," "paper," etc. and commit your whole family to separating their recyclables.
  • Go into your bathroom cabinets and eliminate any shampoos, lotions or cosmetics that contain chemicals that will harm either you or the environment, then replace them with healthy alternatives.
  • Walk to the grocery store instead of driving whenever possible, and lug your goods home in a wagon.
  • Go vegetarian one week out of every month, or better yet, go vegetarian entirely!
Whatever you choose to do, make your resolution something you're enthusiastic about!


Lacie said...

This is less of a resolution for Earth Day and more of a plug and round of applause for Chico State; which is putting on an entire Earth Month event!

here is a link to the events page(should you be interested):

I hope many more communities and campuses are participating in an enthusiastic way~ ^_^

Jennefer said...

My green resolution is to teach my children how to grow organic veggies. It is nice to do this myself, but even more important for my kids to learn how to self-sustain.