Pictured above are the Sassy Squishy Squirt Pals. Olivia is still bathing in her toddler tub, and these toys are rather large, so using one at a time provides plenty of entertainment. Olivia loves all of their bright colors, and they are squishy because they have a nylon top and terry cloth underbelly, which enables them to dry quickly. These materials are also a nice departure from plastic toy overload. They fill up with water and squirt it out, which is always fun, as most babies love to splash and play with the water. These toys are appropriate for babies of all ages.
Pictured below are the Sassy Bath Wigglers. They are recommended for children 9 months and older, but at 10 months, Olivia still doesn't quite grasp the concept that you pull their string and they wiggle in the water. (Note: no batteries are required.) Perhaps she'll get the hang of this with practice, but parents should expect to operate this for their younger babies.

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