The reason I created Petite Planet was to urge people to think. Think about what products they are buying for themselves and their children, think about the impact their choices have on the environment... both the world at large and in their own homes, think about safer, healthier alternatives that will protect future generations...
"thinkbaby" is a line of baby products that enables you to do all of the above, without having to scratch your head wondering how to meet the demands of parenting in an overwhelming, confusing world. thinkbaby has realized that oftentimes the best way to say something is also the simplest way: "Think"... about your "baby"... with every decision you make. A great step toward ensuring your baby's well-being is to feed them with these bottles. There's no guesswork involved when you reach for thinkbaby, as all of the thinking and hard work has been done for you, put into the labor and love behind these products.
The founder of thinkbaby, Kevin Brodwick, is a modern day superhero. He fearlessly blazed his own trail, and we are reaping the rewards of his efforts. His research made him aware of the harmful chemicals (BPA, etc.) laced throughout many consumer products. When he couldn't convince several large corporations to change their ways and nix the inclusion of these toxicities in their manufacturing, he started his own company so he could offer people healthy, environmentally friendly options. His company consists of thinkbaby and thinksport (more on thinksport in a future post).
With regard to keeping our children free of chemicals, "thinkbaby operates with the singular purpose of protecting children during their most fragile developmental stages..." thinkbaby baby bottles and training cups are free of Bisphenol-A, phthalates, nitrosamines and lead. When you purchase a thinkbaby bottle, a portion of the proceeds is donated to Healthy Child, Healthy World, which partners with thinkbaby to help keep our children safe from environmental toxins.
As for practicality, these bottles rank number one in our home. I can tell that some hard core research was put into their physical development, above and beyond the materials used to make them. First of all, the baby bottles are contoured, with two sides slightly concaved. This makes thinkbaby bottles the most easily graspable for Olivia. She swigs away at these like a real pro. Also, the training cup may double as a baby bottle, so if your little one isn't quite ready to make the switch to the training cup nipple, simply pop the bottle nipple in and use it until she's ready to venture forward. The handles that come with the training cup easily slide on and off, so babies can transition to a different grip in their own time.
The thinkbaby bottle nipples have a patented venting system to help reduce colic, but since Olivia is out of her colicky phase (thank goodness!) I was not able to test them on her. You can bet they'll be on standby for our next baby however!
*On a side note, the wide neck Green to Grow bottle nipples also fit thinkbaby bottles. I simply popped those nipples into the thinkbaby bottles, and they were a perfect fit.
It is my hope that the thinkbaby logo will become a ubiquitous symbol and mainstay for all parents reaching for a brand they know they can trust. So give your brain a break on the decision of which bottle to use to feed your baby. Grab a thinkbaby bottle and rest assured plenty of thought has gone into it.
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