Want an easy way to extend the life of your tot's most loved, worn in pair of jeans? Go old school with your solution, and simply iron a patch onto wears and tears. It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day for your kid's to wear their heart on their sleeve, or knees.
Patching things up is an inherently green choice, since you won't have to go out and purchase a new pair of pants. The iron-on hearts shown above can also jazz up a hand-me-down plain tee into a brand new shirt for a younger sibling.
I also want to direct readers to a great post over at Enviromom, where they not only patch pants, they also lengthen the hems with material. What a wonderful way to keep a pair of jeans in the mix, even when kids grow like little weeds!
I have been astonished to see and learn how quickly Olivia outgrows her clothes, so tips such as these are vital on the path toward wardrobe life extension!
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