I've been tagged by Stefani at teensygreen for the FilterForGood meme. Here are the 5 ways I will Filter for Good for Earth Month and beyond...
1. Blog here on Petite Planet and on Inhabitots about green choices, eco-friendly design and ways to preserve the earth so that families may have resources for conscious living.
2. Make responsible purchases for Olivia and our family, from toys to clothing to household items, from companies who treat the earth and humanity well.
3. Continue to visit the library to borrow books instead of buying new books.
4. Shop til we drop at the gorgeous Portland Farmer's markets to support local farmers and buy responsibly grown produce.
5. Walk, run or skip as opposed to driving, at every opportunity.
Here are the rules for this meme:
If you’re tagged, post five things you plan to do for the environment this Earth Month on your blog. At the end of your list, tag five of your favorite blogs, and include a link back to this post using the hyperlinked text “FilterForGood Blog Meme Contest.” Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs, or on their Twitter accounts (using the hash tag #FFGBlogMeme). Also, be sure to include these rules at the bottom of your post.
*As an added bonus... at the end of Earth Month, FilterForGood will choose a few lucky bloggers who posted their five things to win some Brita gift packs to help you go green! Be sure you link back to the original meme post [http://www.filterforgood.com/blog/?p=1407] to enter the contest!
Here are the 5 people I am tagging:
Jennifer at Tree Hugging Family
Good luck!
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